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Percolation Tests

Percolation Tests, or "Perc Tests", are the first step in your new septic installation or existing septic replacement. Perc tests are necessary for determining the type and design of septic system needed for your home based on several important factors including soil conditions, water table and much more. Your septic system requires proper drainage and location from underlying water tables in order to function effectively. Perc tests are a vital component in designing and constructing a successful system.


Perc tests are conducted at your home by the Health Department with the assistance of our crew and lead engineer. We dig 2 to 3 exploratory holes, or "test pits", in your yard where the septic leach field will be. The test pits are 7 to 12 feet deep in order for the Health Dept. Sanitarian to inspect the soil layers. The Sanitarian observes the soil conditions and high seasonal water table (HSWT) and records vital information at each test pit for further evaluation. Based on that information they design a septic system suitable for your home and issue a permit (good for 2 years) to install a septic system. 



When your soil conditions do not meet the minimum requirements in order for the Health Department to design your system then you need to hire a civil engineer who will then design a septic system for you to submit for approval by the Health Department. This is called an Engineered Septic Field.

To learn more about Engineered Septic Fields and septic design services Jack Spack Septic offers check out our page on Engineered Septic Fields.

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